My 4yr old writes his name backwards!?
any input or opinions welcome.
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As for dyslexia, it is more difficult for most dyslexic children to learn how to write their letters, so the fact that your young child can write letters is a good sign. If he still has trouble by the time he is reading fairly well, then I would start to worry (but remember back to kindergarten and how many kids messed up the b, d, g, q, p thing). He has no reason right now to care which order the letters go in unless you teach him that the M always goes on a certain side. Usually, if a child starts writing on the R side, they will write backwards, so teach them to always start on the Left.
He’s just beginning to learn reading/writing. It is very normal at this age. But it is also a common question we get from parents. Give it time. If he’s doing it around age 6-7 still, then start to consider the possibility of dyslexia.
One thing that might help with this is if he is interested in practicing writing, put a red dot on the left side of the paper and tell him to start at the red dot. If he’s not interested in that, let me know and I’ll try to think of other ideas.
He’s only 4, and it’s only 3 letters. He probably knows the A goes in the center and gets the other two confused. It’s probably nothing.
If in a year or two he simply can’t get it right then maybe it would be dyslexia, but I seriously doubt it. More likely he just doesn’t completely understand the concept of letters and spelling. It’s possible all he understands is the letters all have to be there, which he’s accomplished.
Check the link for signs and symptoms
For a 4 -year old, probably normal but it might not be.
4 year olds don’t really read and write, do they?
Luckily, he is not from The Shining, spelling demonic messages!
Try just getting him to try a few other simple words, such as DOG and CAT, and see how he does with these..
He likely hasn’t been trained to read from left to right..