how many licks does it really take??
Favorite Answer
Many scientifice studies have been performed on this topic, with different results.
The Tootsie Roll website does not provide a difinitive answer.
It simply lists a variety of officially recognized university studies and the results associated with those studies.
The website shows “official” results from 4 studies to be:
1. 364
2. 252
3. 411
4. 144
So, given that the studies mentioned are “recognized”, I suppose it wouldn’t be too far fetched to use the average
of the 4 “recognized” studes.
Summing the #’s listed above, you get 1,171.
The average is 292.75, so if we round up the value:
We get 293 at the answer.
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People keep asking how many licks it takes.
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