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I have a B.S. in marketing. Do I need another degree to be able to teach elementary school?

I am trying to switch careers from marketing to education. I’m just not sure what the requirements are.

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The youngrer the student the more classes in education are needed. You should get in contact with the education department of a local university and ask what they have to offer you. You might find it easier working more in your content area with older kids in high school. Also get in touch with a local school district or two.

A. J. P
All you need is to get a teaching license. In some cities and states a B.S. degree in anything is all you need to get in an alternative licensing program.

Most large cities have programs for post-baccalaureate teaching licenses because they always have a shortage of any kind of teacher. I live in Milwaukee and they have a program for that and so does Chicago. I also know that New York City has a program. Check out the website for the school district that you live in. The information is usually listed there.

The program in Milwaukee you are in the classroom the first year and has you meet for classes one evening a week. You also have a supervisor who meets with you in your classroom for on the job training. You take out loans to pay for the program, but you also get paid to be a teacher the first year before you get the license. After 3 years of teaching in Milwaukee, your loans are forgiven by the government.

I didn’t go through the program but I know several teachers who have and they are glad that they did. They got to teach right away (and make money) and the classes were very informative and helpful, unlike many college courses.

The only draw back is that you can be assigned to a difficult school in some of these cities, however the vast majority of people finish the program.

Colleges ususally are not helpful in regards to this matter, because they want you to go back to school full time and take their classes, however some colleges are associated with and have programs for post-baccalaureate teaching licenses. Some also will grant you a master’s degree upon completion.

I hope this was helpful and good luck to you in obtaining such a rewarding profession.


Mr. Cellophane
you need to get the education part. The BS degree will help, but, you have to PROBABLY take at least a year. Some schools that need teachers, will get you a temporary certificate so you can teach. My suggestion is to “test the waters” first. What you want and the reality of the situation may change your mind. I don’t know. Try subbing in a school district. Specify that you only want Elementary and see what happens. That will help you in the long run.

It depends on the state you’re in. For example, in Arizona, you can use your marketing degree towards working in a classroom. This is what you need to do; you need to contact your state’s department of education and find out what the requirements are for the age-level that you want to teach. You might find that your state has a way for anyone with a college degree to get into the classroom. Arizona has a program for people who have college degrees, but did not major in education. We also have a program for military folks to get into the classroom. You may not have to go back to school. But, check with the teacher certification requirements and program options in your state first.

Fabiola J
It depends on what state you live in. I live in Tx and have a BBS in Finance. In TX we have alternative certification programs that help you get your teaching certificate when your degree is not education. After being accepted into a program, you take some training classes (offered evenings) in education, then you take the state exams and you are able to apply for teaching jobs. There is a cost for this program but you don’t have to pay until you are hired. All the districts in my city accept alternative certification candidates. I just got hired at a middle school!!! Research to see if you have an alternative certification program in your state.

Requirements for an elementry school teacher are:

BA in education with concentration in the area you are going to teach.

There are universities that will apply credits from your BA in marketing which include the math, English and any arts, but the part of Teaching Method or Methodology is required and at least a year in training.


EC Expert
It depends on your state. In some places you can go back and just take the education courses, others will want a degree. Contact the State Ed. department where you live. By the way, private schools are sometimes more flexible.

You will need to go back to school and earn your teaching credential. You can do this at a college under a Masters degree. You will need to decide if you want a multiple subject credential or a single subject which allows you to teach a specific subject matter usually in a high school or middle school. Good luck!

Each state is different, You will need to:

go to the state web site to see the current requirements

get certified in elementary education. This may or may not include more classes, but you will need to pass a test or two.

Get your teaching credential. this will include more classes. (how is this different from certification? in some states it isnt, but in some you need to be deemed highly qualified which means a few tests)

Do your student teaching.

Find a classroom.

Sounds overwhelming? maybe… but we all did it, you can too!


QT D Bomb
Yes. Marketing is a complete 180 from elementary education. You will have to go get a masters that focuses on elementary education. You need to contact whatever school you are interested in attending and meet with one of the counselors. He or she can tell you what you will need to do.

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