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Do you meet your college room mates before you actually move into the dorm?

Do you meet your college room mates before you actually move into the dorm?

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Varies from case to case.

It depends on the college. You can always talk to your guidance counselor, or whatever contact at the school that you’ve been corresponding with and they should be able to tell you. One of my colleges sent us our roomie’s e-mail address so we could correspond a bit before we met. That was cool, we got to know each other a little bit so we weren’t so nervous, we at least knew each other so the whole experience of college was easier. Other colleges don’t do this, probably larger ones, and you will just meet her when you move in. Don’t worry.. if you hate her, they will definitely let you switch rooms no problem. I did this once, not because I didn’t like my roomie, but because I met someone that I wanted to live with more.

Good luck, and don’t be nervous! It’s fun!


I attend UGA, and I had a random roommate my first two years. For freshman, they have a “roommate pairing” system that lets you fill out a questionnaire and they match you to potential roommates according to that. You could then view your matches’ profiles and email which ones you’d like to room with, and wait to see who would respond back. We didn’t want to meet each other, but I suppose we could have.

For my second year, it was completely random (we didn’t get the matching system again, which was lame) – and I was only able to see who my roommate was by looking for the name UGA gave me on Facebook. Needless to say, I didn’t enjoy the random assignment and my roommate and I never talked for the entire year. Fortunately, I’m moving into an apartment with friends for the next couple of years.

You could also request a friend to room with you if they were also living in the dorms as another option.

But it really depends on what your college’s setup is in regards to roommate assignment – try browsing your college’s website for housing/roommate information.


During my first year of college I lived in the dorms and before move in they gave us the contact info and it was up to us whether or not we wanted to call or meet the person before we moved in.

Sometimes. Most of the time it’s a surprize. I heard that some schools even let you pick a room mate. They usually do this by having students fill out forms so that they can be paired up.

My school told me who my roommate was but unfortunately she lived in minnesota and i live in ohio. so we didnt meet, but we emailed each other back and forth, talked online, and on the phone a few times. if they give you your roommates info, its in your best interest to contact them in some way.

Some colleges will provide you with names and contact info beofre move in day. Otherwise, it’s “welcome to college, I’m your roomie!”

no you meet them the day you move in

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