Would a California State College accept this?
Would this be considered good for a California State College?
A student who only was a member of one club in high school & did volunteer work for extracirricular activity, had an overall 3.8 gpa but only took english gate and the rest just regular college prep classes, with a low SAT score but high ACT score. And would it help tremendously with a good essay?
Top 3 Answers
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I think your GPA only would get you in. But you say you have a high ACT score, so it should take precedence over your SAT score. I didn’t know that CSU’s require an essay. Maybe a new requirement?
Getting into a CSU isn’t that hard, or at least it doesn’t seem to be based on the many idiots that I’ve seen on the campuses. Your qualifications seem pretty good. But exactly how low is your SAT score? I don’t believe you needed to take the ACT (but it helps) or write an essay for admission however.
I believe that you will be accepted into at least one CSU; but remember, your major and the specific CSU campus will affect the outcome.
4 years ago
you could desire to get right into most of the Cal States. the sole UC which you have an excellent gamble at is Merced. Their nicely-known freshman type had a GPA of three.fifty 4 and an ACT of 24 and a three section SAT entire of 1650.