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Cumulative College GPA Question?

Ok, so my first year of college I got a GPA of 2.85(yeah, it’s sucky I know), but it allowed me to leave and get into a 4 year university no problem. I got seriously ill, which made me depressed, and my GPA is now a 2.4, as a late sophomore. I’ll be a junior after this next fall semester. Anyways, I noticed my school I transfered to uses my old grades in the overall cumulative GPA, which is actually good for me, cause my GPA at the Uni is only a 2.0. But mind you, I did get ill, and that’s why my grades dropped. I figured if I got all As and Bs this next semester my cumulative GPA would be close to a 2.6. Then the next semester I’ll be retaking a class I failed, and if all goes well, I should have my GPA back up to around a 2.8 after the spring semester. Question is, the college only looks at my cumulative GPA, right? And not just the GPA I got while attending there school?

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There is no right/wrong answer to the question. It depends a lot on the purpose and the school.

If you failed, for example, a course and retake it, some schools will only consider the passing grade. Others will consider both. If you transfer, some schools will put both attempts on your transcript, others will put only the passing attempt.

It also matters why that are looking “at what they look.” I went to a U that considered only upper division work GPA when evaluating applicants to their MBA program. If, however, I had applied for any of their MA programs, my cumulative GPA would have been the number used.

Hope this helps.


Yes, at the college i go to they only look at the cumulative GPA.

the school looks at your overall GPA ,meaning they look at all of your classes to determine you current GPA,. Just try to make A’sand B’s for now on

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