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Justin L

What should I put under “Reasons for Applying” on my application form?

I handed in my resume to be a Library Page at my local library, and they asked me to fill out an application form. What should I put under Reasons for Applying for this position? What impress the manager of the library?

Top 2 Answers

Favorite Answer

Dont put anything to impress them, just say what you really mean. I think they could really tell otherwise.

Just say something along the lines of: I want to do something progressive this summer and working here would allow me to do that. OR

I spend a lot of time in this library and wanted to work here because it means a lot to me.

Get the point right?

Good luck


What is your reason to apply?

Don’t work on impressing the manager. They know when you are BSing and you won’t get the job.

Be honest.


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