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Help! im one year behind in my education?

well long story….i went on holiday and when i came back i was put a year behind by my really bothered me and still does.what should i do to move up a year?im 17 and i should have passed my gcses at 16 like any average pupil in the uk. im about to go to college/sixth form to do my a levels .would it be possible to do my a levels within a year? i dont want to finish my a levels when im willing to work hard .is there a solution?

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Well, the answer is there, in your question: “im willing to work hard”. Everything is possible unless you’re doing bad at school in your current year (of course!). Here are some small advices:

– 1st thing: TALK. Talk to your teachers and see if they can help (so they’d not give you much homework). Talk to any good friends of yours (of your own age, of course!) who will willingly help you. Talk to your parents, relatives or older siblings for help.

– 2nd: BE PREPARED. Make sure you have all necessary textbooks, materials and sources. You must grab the basics first, before you move on higher.

– 3rd: GET STARTED. Make a logical timetable for you and try to balance the time you spend for entertaining and studying. First read the lessons, try to understand all the contents (use all help available!), do the exercises to get used to it, then try to do more exercises (systematically, best in reference books) and discuss with friends and teachers about things you learned.

– And finally: TAKE IT EASY, BUT SERIOUS. DON’T BE PANIC. Try to spend some free time playing a sport or music or whatever you like, to relax, and try to say no to useless hours of watching TV, playing video games or surfing the Internet. ALWAYS remember that you have perfect abilities to learn A-levels (because you’re 17, not 16!) and NEVER forget your ambitions to achieve. DON’T PUSH YOURSELF TOO HARD and BE PATIENT.

That’s all I can do for you, now it still depends on you. Good luck and do your best!


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