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My lame professor won’t post solutions for this Audit class..?

I have a pathetic professor for my auditing class and he won’t post solutions. His teaching method sucks and there’s no solutions to homework assignments…

How can I get the solutions for this text book?

Top 2 Answers
Dr. Evol

Favorite Answer

First, you should know that your professor is *not* obligated to post solutions for the class, even if every student in the class wants them. In other words, he doesn’t work for you. Instead, we (professors) use our experience to tell us what’s the best way to teach certain topics. This prof may have excellent reasons for not posting solutions. So my first suggestion is to ask him why he’s not posting them. You may find that he has a good reason.

Second, you ask if you should speak to the Dean. The answer to that is “no” for certain. Here’s why… You should speak with the professor first, of course. It’s the respectful thing to do, and keeps your conversation on the friendly side of things. You may (as above) find that he has good reasons that you even agree with… but there’s no way to know unless you ask him. ***If after you speak with him, you’re still unhappy***, then you might want to consider speaking to some one other than the professor. But that said, “the Dean” isn’t the right person. If you really want to take this up the chain of command, then you should speak to the Department Chairperson, again, keeping things relatively friendly. You might ask if this is normal practice for the professors in the Department (whether you think you know the answer or not). In many cases, this will resolve the issue, but be prepared to answer when the Chairperson asks you if you’ve spoken with the professor about the issue.

*If* you get nowhere with the Chairperson, then you might consider talking with the Dean of Students, not the Dean of the College. The Dean of the College, by default, is on the side of the professor, but the Dean of Students has the potential to help you out in lots of ways. First, s/he will make sure that you go through the chain of command correctly at your institution, and that you are treated fairly along the way. In other words, they act as your advocate.

Good luck with the problem. But be sure to try to understand why the prof does what they do rather than simply conclude that he’s “pathetic.”


yeah listen to dr.evol..he’s a professor and they certainly know what they are talking about. Especially with all of their work experience that they bring to the classroom and all……….yeah right!

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