What does “pwn” and “pwnd” mean?
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Somewhere along the line, the typo “pwn” became popular. If someone says “pwned,” thats their way of saying “Ha, I just beat you.”
Its also now used in forums where people start flaming each other.
See also: teh, n00b, suxx0rz
When playing an online game (or any game for that matter, just the word choices will be different), people tend to try and trashtalk their opponents, and before games had microphone input, you would have to type your trashtalk out. Most games were fast paced enough that you’d have to type really quickly, and obviously somewhere along the line someone mispelled the word own or owned as pwn or pwned. Someone getting owned/pwnd in an online game means that they got beaten in a lopsided defeat to whoever they lost to.