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zoology major?

i am thinking of majoring in zoology in college but i’m not sure what types of careers come from that. anyone have any idea. places to find info would be great too.

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There are a ton of careers that this degree can lead to, far too many to list, but here’s some links:


4 years ago
besides the “conventional ” subjects you will want Algebra, trigonometry, some physics and probable a semester or 2 of Calculus. you will additionally want Biology, Animal Anatomy and physique shape, biochemistry and organic and organic chemistry. a minimum of one semester of information will probable be required. you’re able to be able to could desire to take genetics too. I fairly have a BS in Environmental Biology and a great sort of the standards are an analogous. those are the main ones i’m able to think of of. while you at the instant are not large in Math, in basic terms get a show and additionally you will additionally make it.

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