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“You are free the moment you do not look outside yourself for someone to solve your problems.” Explain quote?

can someone please explain this quote to me? i dont understand it..

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It is pretty much talking about being self-sufficient. When you are able to look inside yourself for the answers you need, you are in full control of yourself and are free. Free from needing and expecting outside help for what is already inside you.

If you wait for someone else to take an interest in your problems and then solve them for you, you may be waiting for a very long time. During that long wait, all you will do is worry. But if you decide to tackle your own problems when they occur rather than wait around for someone else, then there’s a good chance you will solve that problem and be free from worry.

rachel g
It means the moment you are able to solve your own problems and are self sufficent and have no need to rely on anyone else then you will be truly a free person. Free meaning you can survive on your own you are strong

5 years ago
At best we can distract our self to the point of not been aware we’re aware, like when playing some intense sport where it is all reaction and no thought. Or maybe when we incapacitate it with drugs. I walk blind. How could you be aware with out your mind? So even if you did free yourself from your mind for awhile, you wouldn’t be aware of it. Even when we sleep there is some part of our mind that knows where we are. That is why concussions are so scary.

Too often people rely on others for truth and guidance and don’t look within at their own rationality, ingenuity, and creativity. We are “enslaved” in listening and following others because we are mere followers, listening to others’ conceptions of reality. If we choose to listen to our personal self, be authentic and creative, and accept responsibility for our choices, wrong or right, then we are truely free. One needs to solve the problems of the world herself and not rely on others.

When you finally stop relying on people then you are truely free, because when you can figure things out by urself then you can do anything by yourself. You can go anywhere. You’ll always be with urself, so you are truely free because you have no one to rely on.

baisicly- dont rely on others to solve your problems, the best person to do that is you and when you do find that answer you will be free at knowing that you can do it for yourself and by yourself

You have to solve your problems on your own. Think for yourself.

It means that you’re free once you don’t have to rely on anyone else to help you.

It means that you will find the right answer when it comes to you, not from someone else

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