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Shona L

Write a sentence using 4 random words.?

I’m interested to see what happens. Pick 4 random words, in a random way of your choice, then string them into a sentence. Most interesting sentence wins.

Here’s mine;

An squid soaked in coke escaped from the lingerie store.

This could become really surreal….

Top 4 Answers

Favorite Answer

towel banana hammock lion

Randomly chosen by my sister

I was drying off with a towel after that crazy banana party but when I finally lied on my hammock Shona’s lion, Duncan, ate me.

So silly…


The frightened puppet sang to himself on the curb of a street while hopping with hobbits into the world of Harry Potter.

4 years ago
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tea cup
4 words picked by my husband.


I stood there amazed as I watched this hairy baboon climb down the tree, cross the road, and got into this truck and drove away.


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