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Would you ever pay someone to write an essay for you?

Or have you ever paid someone to write something that you had to turn in for a grade?

Please explain why.

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Your very question seems to legitimate the practice. Remember, as you gather “research” for your paper, the “observer effect”. In science, the term observer effect refers to changes that the act of observing will make on the phenomenon being observed. By implying that this kind of cheating is fine and dandy, you will probably elicit e-mail responses bragging about how students “got away with it”, but they will not be a representative sample and will therefore skew your results.

4 years ago

Joe stevens
I would not pay someone to write an essay for me.I have never paid someone to write an essay for me.

However I would ask for help in pointing me in the right direction.

With time,persistence ,good will and effort anyone can write an acceptable ,maybe even a wonderfull essay.

Essay is part of your life as a student or a citizen.You will deal with essay throughout your life. Whether you write or read it. So learn to do it and you will be greatfull to yourself for accomplishing such a simple Task but how rewarding..,

Good luck


old lady
No. I have never done so, nor would I.

It seems pretty pointless to turn in someone else’s work and take a grade for it. You aren’t measuring your own abilities that way and, in the long run, you aren’t learning anything that way either. If your essay comes back cross-hatched with red marks, you’re going to learn from it. If you buy an essay and it comes back marked up, you aren’t going to pay much attention to it. You’ll be ticked off at the guy you bought it from, but you won’t learn from it.

There’s another aspect as well. If you get straight A in all your term essays, and the essay that you write in your finals is a D level, someone is going to wonder what’s going on. At least, they should! If an employer sees your wonderful marks and asks you to write a report and it turns out to garbled mess, he, too, is going to wonder what’s going on. And what’s going on may well be you are going to lose your job because you can’t perform at the level you have indicated.


5 years ago
I’ve never cared about the grade, I only care about learning and knowing the stuff. Getting someone to do my work wouldn’t help me in any way. NO

I have not and would not.

I have, however, been paid to edit others work or to accomplish the complete writing of a document. I don’t do homework in that I refuse to do research. I will only take the notes provided by others, organize, write, edit and return the document for final approval.


Why should I when I get As on my essays on my own? The person I hired just might get me a B. Besides, the purpose of writing the essay is for you to learn, not to pay someone else write it for you, you wouldn’t learn a thing then.

No I wouldn’t because it is cheating and you are only cheating yourself. I would want to see what grade I would get and then if it was possible improve on that grade. I would also want to learn from the essay topic.

I wouldn’t pay someone because although it would maybe be time consuming, I know I have the ability.



No I have not, or ever wanted to, if I don’t learn, then what is the point of it all?

grades are a rating of what we know, they are not what we are going for, though jobs look at them, knowledge is what the point is…Knowledge is more then power, it’s a type of freedom.



7 years ago
haha, what’s with all the morality? I totally would but I’m too stingy with my money.

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