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Would it be fine to use an old edition of an AP Prep book??

I have an AP World History prep book but it is from last year, not this year. . .can I still use it?

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As an AP English teacher, I can tell you that the book from last year would probably still be helpful even if the test is slightly different. Have you been to the website? That’s where they have the latest info on the specific AP exams. Is there a teacher at school who can advise you as you progress through your studies for the test? Good luck.

It would definitely be just as good. AP prep books give you sample questions that won’T be on the test, therefore, a one year old prep book is just as good as a new one unless the format of the test has changed. In this case it would be unwise to buy an old one. For example this was the first year English had a synthesis essay.

def, they are just the same, my friend and i compared a prep book i got 2 years ago and the most recent one, and they were the exact same, the only difference was that they had a different essay question.

They are always almost identical.

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