Working full time and going to part time college how many?
I’m shooting for 9 hours vs 6 I have taken before. I’ll go two nights a week from 5:40-9:45.
Can I survive this?
Favorite Answer
You’ll do fine!
Best of luck!
But I now I am make a very good salary and have alot of flexibility in my job. I can take off to do something with my son or work remotely from any place with an internet connection most times. I spend plenty of money having fun, but I feel I deserve it after what I did to get my degree and job. As long as it is money and time I have, I plan to enjoy life now.
Make a commitment to yourself and your future and you can do it.
take your school hours=9
multiply that by 2 for study time=18
and work time=40
9+18+40=67hrs, might be difficult depending on classes
6+12+40=58, might work out better for ya