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Wo is the undergraduate student??

Is the undergraduate student the student who is still studying in the university or the student who has just finished his highschool???

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An undergraduate student is a college/university student. All freshman, sophomore, junior and senior college students are undergraduate students. If they choose to continue their studies after they graduate from college, they go to graduate school and are graduate students.

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An undergraduate generally refers to some who has yet to complete whatever course of study they are enrolled in. So you could have an undergraduate high school student, a college undergraduate or even a medical school undergraduate, Indeed, medical schools will refer to their medical students as pursuing undergraduate medical education to distinguish it from residency programs that are considered graduate medical education.

In some countries the bachelors refers to a high school equivalent (Bachillerato in Spanish for example) and the first college degree is refered to as a licensure (Licenciatura, again in Spanish). In the US, a bachelors degree is the first college degree awarded, lower than a Master’s or doctorate. Thus, in the US an undergraduate student is used commonly to refer to a person who has completed high school but is pursuing their first college degree.


An undergraduate is a student who is in the process of completing their bachelors degree.

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