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Danah R

will am i able to get the major what I want even tho I have hard time in academic classes?

I am deaf. I got accept in RIT, which i going to NTID. (NTID is one of 8 college in RIT.) Some people said i cannot do anything because i don’t do very well in reading and writing… I want to take major in Psychology but they said i cant.

Top 6 Answers

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Congratulations! If NTID accepted you then that means THEY think you can do it!

I am also Deaf and lots of my High School teachers ALWAYS told me I can’t do it and can’t go to higher education school.

Now I earn more money than any of them that told me that nonsense. If I would have believed them, I’d be sittin around on welfare. No thanks!

Get your education and have a blast!

You can do it! 🙂

And again, congrats!!


Go to the office that assists disabled students RIGHT AWAY! It is their job to help you succeed, and your job to study hard. Take advantage of services that will help you improve your reading and writing, you are going to need this for any major in college. Again, the services are there for you, use them to their potential.

You don’t have to pick a major right now. Think about taking Psych 1 and see if you really like it and see how well you do.

You have been accepted, fantastic. They think you can do the work, now go study.


Of course you can succeed!

If some college official says you cannot, you can claim that you were discriminated for your disability. If you have tested, and do not meet the requirements, then it is a different story.

Either way, if you can’t get into the college you want, you can always choose to start in community college, then transfer to a university.

Just remember that the only thing holding you back can be yourself. If you believe you can do it, you can.

Good luck!


Not to sound cliche, but you can do anything you set your mind to. Enter as an undecided major, and then declare Psychology after you get there. Just stay focused, work hard, and get help if you need it. Good luck!

Don’t let anybody tell you that you can’t!

You are the only one who can decide your fate.

If you got accepted into RIT then you have potential.


Sybel H
-All of the other answers are great! Also remember that there usually tutors on campus that volunteer to help other students with troublesome subjects.

-Don’t listen to people who try to discourage you. Use that negative energy to prove to yourself that you CAN do it.

-Good luck!!!


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