Why when you can’t find something and music is playing loud,you lower the volume to help you look?
Haven’t you noticed that?
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ya I have noticed it! I don’t really know! maybe cause half your brain is listening to music and half of it is looking for something and you need your whole brain to look for something or the music may be annoying! I really don’t know but I have noticed that and have wondered! Very good question!
I find it difficult to concentrate with loud ANYTHING going on sometimes.
Noise tends to distract you from the task at hand.
You cant concentrate as much when the music is loud. Your mind can concentrate with out all that busyness in your head.
The music is distracting you from giving your full attention to the search, OR you are so frustrated that you want to scream, and it is essential that someone hear you!
because the crum songs are not worthy of being loud
LOL, cause its distracting you.