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why don’t people spell anymore?

I want to know why people don’t spell words out anymore? I understand about the IM’ing and texting…but when writing (especially asking a question on here) doesn’t people spell words correctly? If you can’t spell a word out…use your computer’s dictionary! Is it just easier to half-way type the word?

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ppl are laZ now and dont feel like riting corectly. typeing is gr8 and EZ so ppl dont need to spell everyting out.

(did that bother you? because i had to rewrite that especially for you lol!)


I think sometimes people are lazy or perhaps they don’t know how to spell the word. Another thing is that, they type so fast and skim through their writing too quickly that they do not catch their mistake. I agree though. I love spelling. Spelling is my thing. I mess up sometimes, but it’s not a big deal to me. Other than that, I must spell correctly when I’m in school. =)

5 years ago
Lesson to learn: Spellcheck WON’T save your when your life depends on your spelling. Needless to say grammar is still in dreams for a software. When I see non-native English speakers with a hell of spelling, I think it can be because many natives actually spell like that… and those students want to be like natives. A shame the models are not people interested in showing they know their own language.

The Man In The Box
Because they are lazy. It’s the same reason why people don’t vote anymore. It’s why people don’t bother to keep up on current events. It’s why Hollywood usually only produces pointless brain-candy and TV airs inane “reality” shows. People don’t even want to have to think anymore! It seems the average person possesses this weird sense of entitlement yet no work ethic and simply wants instant gratification with minimal effort.

I suspect that the Instant Message short cuts are a HABIT. Just as people tend to use slang of their proper language and need education to speak correctly on a regular bases-the same is needed to stop “slanging” the text using Instant Message jargon.


With all the progress in technology and communication, it kind of seems as though we are resorting to caveman language of grunts and the like.


Because people have become so lazy with all the modern technology that makes our lives easier.

Bill H
It is such a minor portion in today’s writings. In the past, there were not much knowledge, people show case their worth by using fancy words.

Today, you have database, internet, network protocols and biochemistry etc, we show off our net worth in the details of subjects and only high school drop outs are still showing off the English as their top pearl.


wt r u tkng abt? i spl wrds al teh tme. hw dr u say sch a thng i mean we do it cuz its fstr n cnvnt bsds its nt lk wr bng grded like in skl wer u must use crct grmr n stf, n bsds a PC dctnry isnt alwys out dsktps and we nvr nd it cz we h8 it wn ppl r ntpky all the tm.

js sayn


Whats the point n-e-way when most off the ppl understand what ur writing

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