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Why does scripps national spelling bee test these kids on ridiculously useless words?

Why does scripps national spelling bee test these kids on ridiculously useless words?

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‘David P’ is probably right – bluntly so.

Many, many of the words are virtually unused in everyday vocabulary.

I also believe that at that level of proficiency in spelling, that although they are incredible young people, the winner has to get ‘lucky’ enough to get the ‘toughies’ right and to have to spell words that are easier at just the right time, or that are familiar to them by just the pure ‘luck of the draw’.

Each to his/her own. It means a lot to these kids – don’t knock it. Watch the ball game or whatever – I do !!


4 years ago
No, I in simple terms prefer to visual demonstrate unit the babies because of the fact, all of us understand they look diverse. Plus it became humorous. Did you notice whilst that toddler theory he has to spell numbnuts? It became definitely numnas.

It’s the only chance you can get these super geeks to misspell something.

because those are the hardest words to spell.

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