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whY doEs LifE iSn’T so pErfEcT,,,,=c”?

post question lng toh,,, svi post msg. hehe

Perfect love is rare indeed –

for to be a lover will require

that you continually have

the subtlety of the very wise,

the flexibility of the child,

the sensitivity of the artist,

the understanding of the philosopher,

the acceptance of the saint,

the tolerance of the scholar and

the fortitude of the certain.”

~Leo Buscaglia~

eto n msg koh.. good day to all..

Top 3 Answers
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Too much work for too little reward (no offense to Leo)

Life is perfect as long as you think it is perfect. God made life as perfect as it can be.hehehe din

Life seems to be not perfect because no one is perfect


don’t do drugs

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