Why do some schools start in August and end in May, some start in September and end in June?
Mine’s start in August and ends in May…………..
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Different counties have their own reasons I guess. When I lived in South Florida my school started the last day of August and ended in early-mid June. I moved elsewhere a few years ago and school here started August 7 and ended in late May. This year they’re switching it start August 20 and end in early June.
No idea why.
This is historical. School used to be on the family farm schedule. Families needed the children to help with the planting in May thus no more school . Migrate worker had to begin to move to their summer work locations. Schools in the north could wait until after labor day to start. Now its just crazy and for no reason. Some talk about conserving energy . But who has air ?
Because the authorities on your county school board decide that. Not school boards nationwide together. That would be very hard I imagine. But i got out June 7th and am going back on August 27th.
Perhaps the authorities decide it…
mine duz too..
different states budd..
basically more daylight