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Scott S

Why do employers insist you fill out an application in full, even though you have a resume for them?

I’m job hunting, and its getting a bit annoying to fill out all my information again and again. I would assume that since it contains the same information, my resume would be sufficient?

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A standard application form ensures that the employer has all needed information for each applicant. Some applicants may leave information off of their resume that is critical to the hiring process of that particular employer.

Plus it’s much faster to screen applications in a standard form than shift through resumes that are all laid out differently.


Capitão Darius Emboabas
Welcome to tedium. Don’t try and fight it, just stack all the applications in a big pile (or web browser) and just start filing in the data.

As for a reason why employers want all that info, and then want your resume. The resume is like a test to see if you can create a document that sums you up as an employee whereas an application is their necessary info that they want and may or may not sell to third parties.


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