Why can’t I get any special help with my ADHD son’s education? Like free in home tutor?
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Your second best bet would be to call Misty Kimbrough at the state dept of ed (405) 521-4873. She has long been a proponent of parent’s rights and is quite interested in schools that do not follow federal and state legislation.
In no state is it easy to obtain services for our special needs children. However, Oklahoma has consistently placed in 49th for services in special education. Good luck
So if you want to try posting there, click “all categories”, then “society and culture”, the “cultures and groups” then “people with disabilities”.
Aside from that, check you state law about the age of compulsory attendance in school you can find that at http://www.hslda.com if he is old enough to be required by law to be in school, then the school must provide him an education. Homeschooling may be a better option- but it shouldn’t be your only option, you pay taxes and have a right to the use of the school system as much as the next person.
Also, if you can get your doctor to sign a paper saying that the meds are not indicated that SHOULD stop the school from screaming “medication!”, and if it doesn’t, the paper may come in handy in court later: so get two copies and keep one.
I just checked the OK law for you, your son is of the age where he is legally required to be in school- so they MUST provide a place for him- keep fighting.
Disability would probably help you – and the only way you are going to get it is with an attorney. Disability cases are constantly turned down and I’ve heard many times you need or lawyer to even get it reviewed. I knew someone who was 100% physical & mentally disabled turned down for 5 years until she got a lawyer. However I do not know what your child would need to qualify. A lawyer would know this. The lawyer does it for you without money out of your pocket. They get a share once you collect. You have nothing to lose by trying a lawyer.
Also public school has NO RIGHT to refuse education based on disability. If your child has difficulties and needs to be in a special ed class they need to help him. Granted that may mean not at the school in your neighborhood – but in your county. Call your local school board and demand they quit discriminating. If that doesn’t work you can call the American Civil Liberties Union and tell them how your child is being discriminated with. Have names & numbers ready when you contact them.
There are virtual schools that some districts provide free. There are also some programs that will allow him other means of education. Go down to the school board. I would also recommend sending a letter certified mail to the school superintendant telling him who and when discriminated against your child. Keep a copy of it. Threaten to get media involvement. The call news stations if you have to.
Yes you have rights. The problem is that people have to seem to fight tooth & nail to get those rights – which in itself is not fair.
Best of luck to you hon!
If it is mandatory for your 6 year to go to school, then the public school must provide the education. It may not be the education your want for him, but they cannot deny him an education.
However, they will do it because no one is taking them to task about it. If you threatened them with legal action they would backtrack very quickly.
Most schools, to avoid legal action, will do what they call homebound tutoring. They provide the texts and the tutor. Call their bluff!!
Good luck.
p.s. kids with ADHD never gain a lot of weight (scientist say)
since they r always moving…etc!!