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Why are the teenagers who cannot spell….?

Report you as abuse when you call them on it?

really people this is NOT “texting”!!

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Man! Dont you hate that??

Grrrrr. Bad spelling. Pet hate. Grrrrr.

Sorry, just agreeing with you there.

Some people are writing on this site in English when it isn’t their first language, so they deserve some leeway. And there are, of course, international differences in the spelling of some words (e.g. colour / color) and even the choice of some words (e.g. courgette / zucchini).

But the ones who simply can’t be bothered to spell properly… grrrr. That definitely (note, not definately) does my crust in.

And then there’s the blatant overuse of the apostrophe (folks, it’s not for plurals!). I’m often tempted to report that as a form of linguistic abuse.

(and relax…)


I am a teenager and I hate people who do that…

They are just too lazy and don’t care enough to type out the full words.


You spelled “there” wrong. lol Just playing. Good question. I guess they just use it as a way to seek revenge for calling them out to everyone, as if everyone didn’t already notice. lol

kahlan nynaeve®
because they got so used to texting.

or some are just plain dumb. or too lazy to type in complete sentences / letters. sorry for blurting out the obvious. peace!


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