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why are teachers more effective at deafeating education?

A few years ago i went to a regional college to upgrade. I was hoping to go into nursing but the woman who was suppose to advise me on the classes i needed really became mean and told me don’t bother trying you won’t suceed. I realize she has reason to be doubtful from looking at my high school transcript. But I don’t see the Irony in argueing down my career hopes. The reason I came to the school was to improve my grades.

Top 3 Answers
The Man In The Box

Favorite Answer

There are @$$holes in every profession. Stop making this more than it really is. If you truly believe in yourself and you think this woman is full of $hit, then you won’t let her comments bother you.

It’s good that you have the drive and motivation to improve your grades and go into nursing. I’m sure there are people out there who would love to point you in the right direction. That woman was probably overdue to retire, or was just denied a promotion, is always a b*tch to everyone, etc. I’d say ask for a different advisor, and if everyone at the school is like that, switch colleges. Good luck with your goals; don’t let one negative person bring you down; prove her wrong and work hard at what you want to do. Maybe you could find a peer counselor or ask someone already in the program what they took first.

I am a teacher and one of my college professors told me the same thing. I had outstanding transcripts in both high school and to that point in college. She made me so angry that I became determined to prove her wrong because I knew I could teach. I am good at what I do. Never let anyone keep you from doing something you feel is right for you.

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