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Why are so many of the ‘rich’ kids and the ‘non financial aid’ kids so pissed off at the financial aid kids?

Just because we get huge student loans to live off of and we are living just as good as they are now, they give us a bunch of crap like we are free loaders. We actually have to pay the money back one day.

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I’m not a “rich kid”, but I am a “non financial aid” kid. I can’t get financial aid because my parents make too much money, even though I pay for my education myself.

I’m upset at the financial aid process, not those that receive aid. I have to work 60-70 hours a week to be able to pay for my education, while going to school full-time because I can’t get financial assistance based on my parent’s salary. But to those that get financial aid, good for them, their lucky, nothing to be upset with them for.


I too fell into the same category as EMT2006. My mother made just enough for me to not qualify for any financial aid, but she didn’t make enough to help with college either due to the fact that she was a single mother. And I certainly wasn’t a free loader at all. I worked throughout my entire college years full-time and essentially paid for most of it on my own.

I think that’s the reason most people, whether they’re in the average-to-rich area of income, get mad at the students who have their entire college paid for in grants and so on is because those students essentially didn’t do “anything” to deserve those grants. They didn’t perform some special scholastic activities, like recipients of some scholarships do. Nor did they get really good grades, like recipients of really special scholarships do. All they did was fill in an application and because their parents happened to be dirt poor, which more than likely illustrated a lifestyle of poor decision making on their part, the students were rewarded with a free college. When you think about things in that manner it is almost like an EFC affirmative action that’s happening towards lower income families.

I knew somebody who came from such a family, whose mother and father didn’t work, they lived off of section 8, and received contributions from welfare, social security, and food stamps. Her EFC number came to less than 100, and because of it her entire college is now currently getting paid for. In other words she was “rewarded” because of her family’s poor lifestyle and non-contribution to society. My mother decided to become a productive member of society by becoming a nurse and earning a good salary. Because of that I was “punished” by being given such a high EFC #. Hope this helps as far as the reasoning for your question.


I don’t understand it myself.

“Rich” kids aren’t really “rich”, their parents are. So when they are thinking that you are a free loader, they should probably take a good look at themselves. Most of them never had to work a real job, or save up for the things they wanted, or had to do things to help support their families.

It is this sort of inherited wealth that breeds a sense of elitism. Don’t pay it much mind, sooner or later in life, they should learn the error of their ways, typically the hard way.


It’s a bad part of human nature and because they really don’t have any character.

I’ll tell you a secret. I was in their category many years ago, but now I’m older and I’ve lost mostly everything but now they’re ahead of me. Don’t tell anyone, though.


. Jealous, tell them to kiss your financial BUTT Enjoy the money because I am I have been getting it for 8 years. I have gooten alot of pell grants \. Enjoy (smile)

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