Why are contraceptive vending machines often found in railway stations?
Why are contraceptive vending machines often found in railway stations?
Top 8 Answers
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In case you get bored on the journey. (Gettit?)
As with any vending machine, the intent is to make the maximum amount of profit by placing the vending machine in a location which provides large consumer traffic of the gender and age targets of the product. Many people traveling through railway stations are sexually active men who wish to make use of condoms. Their purposes might be non-marital, marital or extra-marital sex.
While contraceptive vending machines are quite common in railway stations, some localities prohibit such placement. For example, Salisbury, Maryland prohibits the placement of contraceptive vending machines in any place within its jurisdiction, except for establishments which serve alcoholic beverages – railroad, air and bus terminals specifically excluded from this one exception to the ban. I would assume that some concern for public decency or the prevention of exposing minors to such machines was the rationale for the ordinance.
Because many prostitutes and hookers are found along the American railway and subway system…
Because people like having sex on trains. Or maybe two people get to know each other on the train so when they get off…
Because it’s nice to do it in the train you can try it !
Yeah! There’s always fun at any place!
Because you never know what’s life and you always need to be ready…….. to help someone…
Cause thats where people are!