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who was the first recorded gay in the whole world?

who was the first recorded gay in the whole world?

Top 10 Answers
Kara T

Favorite Answer

Homosexuality and bisexuality is not a new thing. It used to be completely normal – especially bisexuality. It was actually a norm until some zealot Christian said that homosexuality is a deadly sin (which it’s not)

The ancient Greeks actually had this thing called Pederasty. Greek pederasty, as idealised by the Greeks from Archaic times onward, was a relationship and bond between an adolescent boy and an adult man outside of his immediate family, and was constructed initially as an aristocratic moral and educational institution.[citation needed] As such, it was seen by the Greeks as an essential element in their culture from the time of Homer onwards.

The term derives from the combination of pais (Greek for ‘boy’) with erastēs (Greek for ‘lover’; cf. eros). In a wider sense it referred to erotic love between adolescents and adult men. The Greeks considered it normal for any man to be drawn to the beauty of a boy – just as much if not more than to that of a woman.[2] What they disagreed upon was whether and how to express that desire.

Zeus was bisexual. He kidnapped a Greek boy because he fell in love with him. Socrates, Plato, Aeschines Socraticus, and Xenophon were all bisexual, too.


I don’t believe people make records of peoples sexual preference, so I don’t believe there is a record archive for that THANK GOD!

But the bible has references to homosexuality, if you are really that small minded you can pick a name out of there and tell yourself that that is the first recorded gay person.


Jack the Ripper

Let’s see, it was said that King Louis XVI of France was a crossdressor. It’s probably somewhere in the Illiad.

Some people say alexander the great was gay or bi and that was a pretty long time ago so i would go with him.

I know a lot of recent ones like actors and such but

you are going to have to go way way back in history for that one..

Interesting site I found ..

Check it out..


In eighteenth century China, artists started painting homosexual images onto silks.


That Guy
Abel (Adam and Eve’s son)… he was TOTALLY checking Cain, that’s why Cain got pissed off and killed him, he was like, “HEY!!! i don’t like you that way, i’m waiing for God to create some more females here!!!”

It’s all in the bible, you just have to read between the lines……


That’s cute. If you find a good answer, let us know.

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