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Who’s “they”??

everyone says thats what they say

but who’s they?

good luck working this out

and no i didn’t just hear this i’ve been thinking about it since i was 10.

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“They” are a secrete society that works on ALL the problems of the world.

It’s not anyone in particular.

This is just one grammatical solution to the problem of how to talk about some action or event taking place WITHOUT focusing on or being concerned about just who it is that did it (the “agent”).

English has two ways to do this

(a) use of the “impersonal” pronoun with an active verb form:

* They say she’s pretty.

* You can never be sure. (this ‘you’ does not have to mean, or be restricted to, the one spoken to)

* One can never be to careful.

(b) passive voice

* It is said (that) . . . .

* She was side-swiped (by. . . ).

Note that SOME things can be communicated in either of these forms, some not. (Try to convert the second and third examples in (a) above into passive voice, and you’ll see what I mean!) But even when you can use both forms, there tends to be a slight difference in meaning, or at least emphasis. Also, there is a tendency to try to AVOID using the passive in English.


“They” are the anonymous who are unwilling to stand on their beliefs by attaching their name to their stand on things. “They” are the mystery people no one can identify, someone always knows of, but cannot name specifically. “They” are the ones who take the blame, had the experience in the urban legend, or broke the vase.

“They” are the ones who complain about the leadership, and “their” opinion is always conveniently communicated to someone… confidentially, of course, for the “benefit of all”.

“They” sayers are always liars!


“they” is just a figure of speech that the older generation would say to prove their point. i always wondered the same thing. kinda used to persuade you into thinking what they want you to. OR, sometimes “they” is someone who’s name shall remain anonomious.

They are the willing led by the unknowing who have done so much for so long with so little that they are now qualified to do anything with nothing for nothing.

‘they’ = the general population, the vast majority OR some osrt of authority, such as researchers or professors etc where it’s advice or guidelines given out e.g. ‘they say we shouldn’t drink too much coffee’ etc

They are the ones that know best. They are the ones that tried it and like it. They are who you wish you could be. They don’t know that they are them, their agent said to show up, so they did.

They is used to, piont out a group of people in words.

“They” are the ones with the higher position.

It’s “their” opinion that count, and it’s “their” approval or not.

i’m bullshitting you. i have no clue! =)

just like when people say “stick it to the man”

who is that guy anyway?



Whenever some refers to “They” — then it refers to me (providing it is something worthwhile).

If it is useless information, then the word “They” refers to the people at Fox news.


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