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Who do i contact if I’m moving and want my mail mailed to a new address?

Im not moving out of state just a few towns over. Do i contact the post office or do i have to contact everyone like bank,cell company.

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Go to the Post Office, get a “change of address card” and send or give to the Post Office that delivers your mail. The “change of address card” also comes with cards to send to places you have subscriptions. Your mail will be forwarded (except most junk mail) for 1 yr. for 1st class. I don’t remember how long for other mail. Email or send cards to others to let them know your new address.

hmmm….i have never heard of a fee for applying for a change of address.

i have moved 17 times in the past 13 years, in 3 different states (mo, wy, ms) and all i’ve ever had to do was fill out a form listing my current address, names to be forwarded to new address, the new address the mail will be forwarded to with a date to start the forwarding.

hope this helps! if nothing else just go into the local post office and ask them.


You can apply for redirection of mail at a post office but this will incur a fee. Alternatively you can make arrangements with the new tenants of your house to save the mail for you. You can also contact separate companies (such as your bank) notifying them of your change of address.

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