Who can give me good topics on a music power point presentation?
I’m doing a power point presentation right now and I only have 3 slides but i need 6, the first one is my title (Music) the 2nd one is: Genres and the 3rd one is:Origins. Can someone please give me 3 more..please…i need help.
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You could brush on the effects of music on society (punk/rave)
How music effects the soul (memories, catchy lyrics ect)
& what would life be like with out music
– How music is shown with pic. of sheet music Ex: Notes on a stanza
– What really is music (sound waves traveling through space at a certain pitch) with pics of sound waves
– Different types of instruments
– The difference between treble and bass clefs
– A little Tupac to get an A+
The last thing, stop reminding me of school i don’t wanna go back yet. Maybe in a year.
How about Developments?
Cultural influence… evolution… there are two
Put origins before genres
composers… instruments… lessons…