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Which college should I go to?

I want to be a cardiovascular surgeon. Right now, I’m focusing on either Yale, Harvard, or Penn State. Harvard is the hardest to get in to, and the most expensive. Yale is somewhat okay, but I think it would be best to go to Penn State, but I’m not sure. Any help?

Advice would also be appreciated.

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If you’re applying to yale and harvard, you have no business at Penn State, unless you’re from Penn and you get instate tuition and/or you get a full ride in the honors program. I’m from boston and I looooooove the Harvard campus. You would have a lot of fun because there are so many colleges in the city. Yale is absolutely gorgeous, but New Haven is kinda ghetto. Take a look at Brown and BC as your safety schools

just asking
If you are considering these colleges for your undergrad studies, then the college you go to doesn’t really affect your dreams of becoming a cardiovascular surgeon. If you got into all these universities, congratulations! Harvard and Yale definitely have a good reputation, but are expensive to attend. If cost is an issue, ask about their financial aid packages, or apply to Penn State. If you’ve already passed your MCAT, and have completed your basic studies, then the Ivies would be impressive, but at the end, everyone who graduates from med school is called “doctor”. The choice is up to you. I wish you the best of luck in your career!

You cannot compare Yale with Penn State…

It doesn’t matter, just get good grades and a good CAT score. Go somewhere you will be comfortable and can afford. You will not do well if you are unhappy with the environment.

If you are going to be happy at the University of your State and you can get instate tuition, go there. Get a 4.0. Live with your family. Obtain a good CAT score.

If you can live at home do it. I saved tons of money living with my grandparents. They refused to take anything from me. They wouldn’t even let me pay the electric bill. I saved all my money from undergrad to fund law school. Med school will be expensive, the only time to go cheap and it won’t hurt you is undergrad.


Study in a place that you can afford to go to. And talking about Harvard, it’s really hard to get admission into it. If u have nice grades then you may get a seat there.., But it’s costly as u said. Only go to it if you can afford to.

Best of luck for your future.


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