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which college or universities are good for video game designing?(in california)?

ive heard westwood college,devry university, ITT tech are not good , what do u think about that? plz reply

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University of San Fransisco, CalPoly, Berkley, basically anywhere that has a major in your interest

I agree. You won’t be coming out of Devry, or ITT Tech, or Westwood, and be in any sort of demand in that industry.

If you’re looking for that sort of intense focus, but want a reputable program, check out the one at Digipen, up in Washington. It’s elite. Link below.

Otherwise, the best programs tend to be at quality art schools, and at quality tech universities. Check out the programs available at the following, all in CA:

– U Cal Berkeley

– UC Santa Cruz


– Academy of Art University

– Otis College of Design

– Art Center College of Design

– California Institute of Tech

– Stanford

Some of these have specific game design programs. Others have it, but as part of another major, such as engineering. So also check with your local state universities, and see if they offer anything as part of their art or their engineering programs.


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