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Where should I go to college?

I want a big name school, without the big name price. Somewhere in the eastern US. I don’t know where to go. PSU, Virginia Tech… I need a good engineering/computer school.

SAT: 630/690/690

ACT: 28

GPA: 4.0


Top 4 Answers

Favorite Answer

With your stats, you will get into a good school — but probably not a great school (e.g., ivy league). Penn State and Virginia Tech are probably good choices for you.

The good news for you is that engineering is the one area wehere many of the better state universities are as good or better than the elite schools.

Princeton Review has a tool on their web site where you tell it your interests and background. It then spits out a list of appropriate schools for you. The link is below.

Good luck.


Substitute Teacher
In response to Alex (above), I’d rather go to MIT since the grades don’t show up on your sweet diploma! The only time grades really matter in college is if you are applying for graduate schools or if you decide to become a politician (Exhibit A: Dan Quayle). Otherwise, you want to go to the best school possible because of networking possibilities, which could enhance your career and enrich your life.

Consider going to Carnegie Mellon, RPI, or MIT for engineering.


I have a friend who majored in comp science at Virginia Tech and loved it there! I bet it’s different after the “vt tradgedy” though….

What about Case Western Reserve? They’re fairly well known among engineering/comp science crowds, selective, tough, but you stand a chance of getting in with those scores.


just remember its not the college thats always important

you could go to MIT and get D’s and C’s and it look really bad

Or go to a local college and get A’s and be on the deans list

which sounds better?


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