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When your filling out an application what do you put for subjects studied for grammer school?

I just need to know the word for it im thinking it’s core subjects but i dont want to be wrong and is it ok for where you write when you can start working can you write “as soon as possible”?

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General Education works for High School and under studies.

I always write “General” for the High School. And put down 5 days notice for the starting time. If they ask, it’s to make mechanical repairs and move some stuff into a storage locker, but that can be “manipulated” or re-scheduled.

I use “general study”

And for when I can start working, that depends. Are you putting in a notice where you are at now? It looks funky if you are currently employed and are willing to leave them at a second’s notice ( they think you will do that to tell as well).

But if you don’t currently have a job, put in the date of the following day. I don’t write “immediately”. But you can, I have seen it done before.


4 years ago
No. educational, vocational or corporation are educational tracks that incorporate categories of classes geared in the direction of making waiting you for categories of postsecondary guidance. A “voag,” or vocational-agricultural music i assume, could get you waiting for further learn at a vocational college or for on-the-interest guidance in agriculture, case in point. subjects are the instructions you took — algebra, American historic past, abode economics, English composition — issues like that. What instructions did you’re taking, inclusive of middle curriculum (English, math, historic past, technology required for a level) and electives (drama, music, theater, further instructions you get to flow with in step with pursuits) ?

General studies.

And yes, you can say as soon as possible, but it’s even better if you put a particular date down on the application.


“General” is fine for primary school history. “Immediately” or a specific date (if you can’t start immediately) would be correct for when you can start.

beth m
Just put “academics” make sure it is spelled right.

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