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When you read this quote..?

either get over it or

do something about it.

because nobody cares

about the in between.

What does it make you think of?

What do you think its talking about?

Heh, Im just looking to see people’s perspectives on random things. :p

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Remember the Banderlog monkeys in the Jungle book who chatterd endlassly about there big plans but did nothing, well the planing is great as far as it goes but people care when you have done planing how to get the food into the famine struck area and arrived with the vital supplys like goverments who talk endlessly about how to solve the third world debt and mount up huge bills having expensive partys to discuss how to solve it but never take action it means quick plans and strong action.

well it gets me thinking about a scenario when someone uses a reason for a scapegoat for the actions but people dont care why they just care that they did or didnt do the action. sorry if i’m not being clear enough. i would clarify but i’m running out of time on the computer soon.

It reminds me that in today’s world nobody has the time to care about how we really feel. It says in the bible about the last days that ‘In the last days the love of most will grow cold’. Selfishness rules.

It means: If you’ve encountered a “difficulty”, either ignore it or overcome it; but, no whining about it :))

you should do something about the problem or just get over it, because no one gives a damn about the pain.

for me it means either i do something about a certain problem of mine or just let it be … it’s really great!

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