When should you take your GRE’s?
I’m a 3rd year undergrad psych student and I’m not sure when this exam should be taken. Should it be taken your senior yerar, the summer after you graduate, or at some other time. Any other information on GRE’s would be very helpful as well.
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You should plan on taking it a few months prior to applying to graduate school. If you are going into your senior year then you will want to take the GRE during the summer…August, September at the latest. I plan on applying for graduate school this coming fall and am getting ready to take the GRE.
I recommend getting a copy of Barron’s “How to Prepare for the GRE” book with cd rom. No one book is going to help you get a great score. You already need to have that knowledge. The test book just helps you prepare for the types of questions and refreshes your memory on math and vocabulary.
It really depends on when you plan on applying to grad school. I took the mine the summer of my junior year, then applied during my senior year.