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When going to uni for the first time, do you reccomend living on campus or?

living outside campus on your own or sharing?

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First year is better on campus–you get to know all the stuff going on, get to scope out where everything is and what kind of people there are to know [or not!] and feel more a part of your new environment because it’s all right there. A lot of people meet someone on campus who’ll be just right to share a flat or whatever for the following year…in class or in the dorms, etc. If you opt for off-campus housing the first year, you’re stuck with that choice…if you start out on campus, you can make some good moves for next year and know more about your off-campus options.

Depends on your personality.

I loved to socolize but I have always hated having a room mate. I’m very independent and even then I liked having my own space. So I lived off campus; by myself; and socolized according to what was going on when I wanted too.


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