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whats is this quote meaning-nothings is as good as it seems beforehand?

what is the meaning of this quote?

nothings is as good as it seems beforehand

Top 4 Answers
El Guapo

Favorite Answer

Often the anticipation of getting something is more enjoyable than actually getting it.

I’ve found this to be most true with material possessions – I think that I MUST have this (camera, computer, car, etc.), but when I actually get it, I don’t enjoy it as much (or as often) as I had thought I would.

It can also be true for events. Oftentimes a long anticipated trip or social event doesn’t live up to the hopes and expectations you had.

I hope that helps.


Lean on Me
An example: Every holiday I get all excited thinking it is gonna be a great success, like something out of a movie, perfection in every way. Of course, I set myself up for disappointment every time. I gotta stop doing it, i gotta stop, i gotta, i

things are not always as good as they seem (eg) you see two people very rich you think they have everything they have to be happy but they are not happy

nothing (no s)…

it means we want stuff and think it will change our life for the better when we get it, but it never does.


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