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whats better, a higher gpa, or higher number of college units?

so i ended my freshmen year, i am thinking about double majoring in math and economics, my gpa ended been a 3.3 and i ended with 43 units the end of my freshmen year, all my units go for my majors or g.e, would it be better if i had taken fewer classes every semester and received a 4.0, i am planning to take 23 units this coming semester. most of the classes i have though are in the areas i do good.

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You need a certain number of credits to complete your degree–that’s why the number of credits is “best.” But, you will need a minimum GPA to graduate and perhaps an even higher GPA to graduate in your major. If you wish to continue on to grad school, it is your GPA that is most important–as well as the rigor of the courses you took and how appropriate they were in preparing you for grad school.

Getting a 3.3 in your freshman year is outstanding!

My advice is to stick with the number of units you have registered for, and to assess how well you think you will do and how much time it will take to do the work in each course. Seriously consider dropping one course–especially if you think it might keep you from getting the best GPA possible, and if you don’t need it, or it is offered pretty regularly and with different instructors.

Be very aware of the final “drop date”! You must make a decision and complete all the proper paperwork by this date or it might affect your GPA. Keep a copy of your drop paperwork (and any important school paperwork) in case there is some discrepancy when your grades arrive.

Good luck. You are off to a great start.


23 units is A LOT for one semester, average is 12. Unless you are planning to graduate early, I would definitely recommend you take less and get a higher GPA. This is because

1) If you take so many, you will just be left taking useless courses that aren’t necessary your senior year

2) If you plan on going to a graduate program, your GPA is very important

3) Most companies consider GPA extremely important in your first job.

This shows that GPA is incredibly important and unless you are in a hurry to graduate, I would definitely recommend you slow it down and get higher marks.


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