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What whould be some examples to this saying?

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer

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Remember the West Wing on T.V. the president surrounded himself with his chief of Staff Leo et all but he kept the Vice president just down the hall in the same building because he had his own agenda and might be an enemy to the causes the president was supporting.

Keep your friends close as they are friends. Keeps your enemies closer, you will want to watch them close to make sure they don’t do anything to you or your personal items.

“Veni, vidi, vici (IPA /weːniː wiːdiː wiːkiː/ or /veni vidi viʧi/) is a famous Latin phrase coined by Roman general and consul Julius Caesar in 47 BCE; Caesar used the phrase as the full text of his message to the Roman senate describing his recent victory over Pharnaces II of Pontus in the Battle of Zela. Caesar’s terse remark — translated as “I came, I saw, I conquered” — simultaneously proclaimed the totality of his victory and served to remind the senate of Caesar’s military prowess (Caesar was still in the midst of a civil war); alternatively, the remark can be viewed as an expression of Caesar’s contempt for the patrician senate, traditionally representing the most powerful group in the Roman Republic.

Veni, vidi, and vici are first person perfect tense forms of the Latin verbs venire, videre, and vincere.”


Heres an example.

I work offshore and I have roughly 48 people that work directly under me.

There was an incident where one person thought that another he didn’t get along with well was trying to get him fired. All the while he would tell his friends what he was doing about it.

In the end, he did get fired, but it was actually the good friend he was talking to about this the whole time who was trying to get him fired. And it worked.


embroidery fan
Know what’s up with your friends (who they’re hanging with) but know even more who your enemies are hanging with, because they could gang up to hurt you!

Know if your friends are good with money (will return money you lend them), but know even more if enemies are, or they may start extorting money from you every day!


in spiderman, the green goblin knew spiderman’s identity and stayed closer to peter parker to keep an eye on him.


this really applies to the mafia or government I try to avoid both


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