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What to say about your child on a pre-k application?

We are trying to get our child on a certain school, but the application asks to describe our child. What are thet really looking for?

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I doubt if they are looking for any one thing in particualr. It seems to be an open-ended question that allows you to tell them what you need them to know. This could be anything from he is frightened of — or really enjoys — they may not find out any other way. I would not describe physical, not even academic skills which they can determine. Maybe, “Our child always likes to give a lot of money to his school at Chirstmas” NO NO NO : bad joke,sorry.

Decribe your childs personality traits, such as shy, outgoing, slow to warm up, etc.

Describe your child’s academic traits (but keep it factual), “knows how to count to 10, knows primary colors and shapes, can tie shoes, knows address/phone number/birthday” etc…

Describe your child’s physcial traits, “can jump on one foot, can skip, potty trained at age 3, etc”

Also, describe any difficulties your child has: “doesn’t pronouce the “r” sound, small motor skills are a developing skill…

Talk about your goals for entrance to this school: “We seek a supportive environment that will have consistent but loving discipline techniques and will also allow our child to blossom into a well rounded child with and strong foundation in academics as well as good emotional and social health!”

What they are probably looking for is traits that match personalities of teachers or classrooms. Try to stay away from comments like “My child is bright” – well yeah, duh, we all think our children are bright LOL ;o) Use statements like, easily grasps new concepts, curious about the world around her, etc….

Good luck


They want you to tell what types of things they like, a short history about your child, and why your child will be a good fit for the center.

*Potty trained, language skills, ability to interact peacably with other children, whether or not he knows his numerals and can count numbers; whether or not he knows the alphabet and can name a word or animal associated with each letter. Does he know his own name and telephone number? Does he recognize that objects may belong to people?

*I have no idea. I am making all this up. Sounds reasonable, though, doesn’t it?


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