what things should a preschooler should know to go to kindergarten?
Favorite Answer
Too much is forced on children these days at young ages that they nearly “lose” their childhood.
At the preschool age they should be learning more social skills and independent thinking skills rather than academics. Learning how to function and get along in a group. Learning how to follow directions and listen to instructions. Learning about others and why it is important to try to get along. Learning about feelings and how to handle the feelings they have. Learning respect for teachers and elders. Learning about the world around them. Exposure to ABC, Colors, shapes, & numbers should come in a fun and natural way of learning, if at all.
My opinion here–the only good in learning academics early is the Kindergarten & 1st grade teachers have a much easier job (I know from personal experience!). However, it could also make the child bored and thus could create behavior problems b/c they don’t work ahead of the class. If they finish with an assignment early than everyone else then they go to centers, color, draw or otherwise do busy work.
I would much rather have a student in my class that is grounded in their emotions and able to say “oh okay no problem” when another child tells them, “no I don’t care to play that game right now,” than a child who knows how to write their name & ABCs but has emotional melt down one after the other for trivial things.
Just something to consider. Best of wishes to you!
The Alphabet
One of the most important things your child should know before entering kindergarten is the alphabet. This means saying all the letters and recognizing them. If your child can write the alphabet then that is even better. But, your child should at least be able to write his name before entering kindergarten. Vocabulary is also important so the more your child knows the better.
Basic shapes and forms will be taught in kindergarten so the more familiar your child is with these the better. Your child should know his numbers 1-10 if at all possible. This includes counting and recognizing them on paper. Additionally, basic math concepts like adding and subtracting will be introduced. So, if your child knows what two plus two is then he will be able to learn even more.
The World Around Us
The world around us is also a common theme in kindergarten. This means knowing the days of the week, months of the year, the weather and appropriate clothes, colors, holidays, and more. The more your child knows about the world and daily activities the better. These are all discussed in detail during kindergarten, but if your child ahs already been exposed to these details and has a basic understanding then his learning will be increased during kindergarten.
Teaching Your Child
You may be worried your child is not prepared for kindergarten and are wondering what to do. Instead of having a breakdown and submitting your child to a mini boot camp to prepare him for kindergarten you should start out slowly. Make sure you are reading educational books every day and talking about the meaning with your child. Ask your child the colors and to count. The more you make learning fun the more likely you will ensure your child is learning and that he will be ready for kindergarten.
phone number
identify all letters and numbers 1-10
how to wipe hisself
button hisself
tie shoes
some writing skills
how to get along with others
how to share