What teaching methods do you think work best??
What teaching methods do you think work best??
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Obviously, the ones where the students enjoy the lesson and learn something .
Students do seem to learn better when they can get their hands on something, can see a concrete example of the point being made, and most importantly, have a bit of fun.
If you’re talking about teaching kids, I’d say lead by example. But since you’re probably not, I think the best way to learn is different for a lot, if it was teaching them from a book, make people write it out, and test them with little bits often, not a lot all at once. If it were something practical, let them first observe and then let them have a go while kindly correcting their mistakes.
The finest teaching methods in the world are useless to you until you have established discipline in your classroom. That is your first priority.
Hands on materials and manipulatives work the best. Also some kind of chart, graph, etc. they can see on a overhead projectore or powerpoint.
depends on the class you’re teaching. there are a lot of ways, but the one i know that is very effective, it’s online learning. there are a lot of sites that has good games that teaches science, maths, history etc. here are a few links:
www.edheads.org – games on simple machines
Usually hands on, but some have to write it down. All students are different.
visuals and hands on but it depends on the individual you are teaching..
leadership by example