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What stuff should I take to boarding school??

I might be going to a boarding school called Chatham Hall in virginia. What do you suggest I bring. Im planning on trying out for field hockey and being very involved with extracurricualr but what about my dorm and school supplies etc? thanks!!

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If you are going to boarding school, chances are your room space is going to be limited. So take minimal amounts of things that are necessary. Unless you are wearing a uniform, I would take clothing items that mix and match very well so that you can make multiple outfits out of limited amounts of clothes.

Check the climate. You don’t want to weigh down your luggage or take up storage space for sweaters if the coolest the temp gets is only 75 degrees.

I would also take a few items to remind me of home – pictures of family help to minimize homesickness.

Since you plan to spend a lot of time doing extracurricular, you won’t need things to occupy your time. However, if you have an IPOD you may find it comes in handy. Many professors are providing notes via ITUNES that can be downloaded later.

A laptop computer would also be a must. This will be handy both in the classroom and for homework later.

Contact the residence hall advisor for a complete list of items that might be needed. I am sure that they have compiled such a list for these type inquiries.

Have fun!


7 years ago
Most likely your school has a packing list that they'll send out in summer. It may already be available (most likely a version from last year) on the school website. A few things that are helpful to bring, and may not be mentioned on the packing list are:
Mattress pad-dorm beds may not be comfy, and this makes you feel like you're sleeping on a cloud 🙂
Beanbag-you may want to talk yo your roommate beforehand about this, but it'll certainly make your room more homey!
SNACKS-I can't stress this enough. It's very important to have snacks when going to an all-girls boarding school.
Lamp-a small desk lamp, or a reading light for your bed may be necessary because there may not be the best lighting in your dorm.
Fan/space heater- dorms are notorious for uncomfortable temperatures, be sure to stay cool (or warm)!

Well mine sent me a list, didn’t they send you a list. And I’ve heard of that school before! Haha, funny world they were at my school’s high school fair. Okay well I’m going through the same thing so I hope I can help. I got a ton of things from PINK on for sleepwear and for dorm stuff. You also definitly want a duffel bag from vera bradley ( to carry your stuff and a tote bag (I got the vera bag) to carry your books. You’re going to need 2 sheet sets, 1 blanket, 2 comforters, and 1 quilt from PB teen. I reccomend VS PINK for the blanket though, that’s where I got mine and It’s so cute. You will want lots of sleepwear and robes from VS PINK and also from American Eagle’s Aerie. I got a great huge laundry bag at Aerie. You will need shower shoes and a stuff to carry all of your shower supplies in (check PB teen.) You need a desk lamp. Check with your roomate about a few things to make your dorm more homely such as a rug, curtains, or a chair from PB teen. You also def need a laptop and of course a cute case (vera bradley.) Be sure to have cute hangers and towels too! Good Luck and I hoped that helped! I also know PB teen has a dorm list :


Should tell you but stuff like toiletries, lots of clothes, anything to pass the time with e.g books, handheld game consoles (like a DS or a GBA etc.) mobile phone the usual basically [= have fun

4 years ago
don tworry too plenty, be your self and have self assurance it or no longer, many yet maany peoples who flow to own colleges and stuff are people who cant extremely pay for it. so theres human beings on your comparable place, and a few even decrease. its no longer likely an excellent ingredient, its difficulty-loose and in case you like somethign undesirable sufficient you will get it. so in case you go with to be satisfied then decide for it. sturdy success!

you should take all your clothes all your shoes and every thing you love in your rm. if i was going which im not i would take all my clothes stuffed animals my comfiter etc. hope this helps

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