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what site can I find job for Filipino teachers in China?

I am looking for a site that would help me find a teaching position for Filipinos here in China.Where to go?

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To be honest, you may have a hard time finding a job in China if you are Filipino, at least if you are planning to teach English. Many of the schools in China hire almost exclusively based on the color of an applicants skin. This is apparently not illegal or even frowned upon. It’s not impossible to find work, but you should know about the difficulties before starting.

It might be easier to get a job outside a major city, if you really want to teach, or to look for a job in another field, such as customer support.

There are many jobs listed in the careers section of and

It would also be helpful if you were to list what city you want to work in.


5 years ago
Go to Sino-Canadian Program or Nova Scotia Schools in China. They need teachers in Math and Science

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