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What should I do about my schooling?

I have my BA in Spanish & I want to be a translator/interpreter, but I’m still not fluent. I want to go to graduate school, b ut I don’t think I’ll make it. I’m taking extra undergrad courses to strengthen my GPA but it’s not working. I think next semester I’ll be disqualified from financial aid. Well, my GPA started back @ 0 since I already have my BA, so since I completed this summer semester, I have a 1.5, & I’m considered a 5th yr. Sr. in the eyes of Fin. Aid. Do you think I’ll go on probation or just not be eligible for fin. aid? My stressful living situation with moving away from my cheating family, & then being kicked out of a homeless shelter for refusing to go to church b/c I was studying, & me moving into a new apt. & then buying a car & getting screwed over & having a mental disability are the reasons why I didn’t do well. & this is the 1st time in almost a year since I’ve been in school.

I feel so nervous. What’s the worst that can happen to me about my financial aid?

Top 3 Answers
Patti C

Favorite Answer

It has been so long since I have been in school that I am unsure about what they do about Financial Aid now. There are laws stating that colleges MUST make accomodations for your disability.

Talk to the college and the Financial Aid office and let them know that you do not feel you were given any consideration as a disabled person. Hopefully that will be enough to scare the c*** out of them and they will do right by you after this. There may even be a liason there at the college who helps disabled students.

I would not give up.It does not sound as if you are all that happy with your Spanish B.A. can you get another B.A. perhaps something in counseling or working with children – it sounds as if you would be good at that.

Try not to be nervous about it. Just hit it hard with trying to fix this. Decide what YOU want to do and go for that. Don’t let the school or F.A. decide for you.

Good luck to you.


You sound like you need to seek the help of the counseling office on campus. Take advantage of the FREE resources available to you as a student to assist you in this difficult time. As for what will happen with your aid you need to consult your schools SAP policy. If you actually finish your clas, but receive a term GPA below 2.o you will most likely be placed on warning. However all schools make their own SAtisfactory Academic Progress standards so find out what they are at your school!

Wow! I could hear the violin playing in the background.

If you can continue, do so. If you get put on probation, so be it. Work hard at getting yourself off probation. Talk with your counselor.


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