What should i bring on the first day of highschool?
im going to highschool and.
i have a hand bag thats quite big but it doesnt look good wit my binders
in it so on the first day if i jus brought one binder with line paper would that be enough?
with of course pencil case
but what should i bring on the first day
Top 5 Answers
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All you need is one binder with loose paper, some pencils and pens. A calculator( there may be a surprise quiz, happens alot). Maybe one extra folder/binder. That’s about it really.
Bring at least 3 binders. One for history, one for english, and one for general.
Bring a notebook and a planner(if your school doesn’t give it to you) and a calculator.
And a SSR book.
Caring about how your binders look with your bag will be the last thing on your mind when you go on your first day of high school. But I suggest just using a backpack and wearing sneakers (cause you might need to run) until you know how much stuff you need to carry.
You should be fine with just one binder. I always just brought one notebook the first day of class because it is just a day for teachers to hand out papers and met their classes. You might get some homework so that’s what the paper is for. So paper and pencils is pretty much all you need.
a binder , loose paper and of course a pencil but be sure you are friendly cause you meet a lot of cool people your first day so good luck freshmen!
A well rested brain and a very open mind.